Happy Birthday Ravindran Kannan...

 Ravindran Kannan, who is an Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research, India is celebrating his birthday today(12/03/2023).  He leads the algorithms research group at Microsoft. He is also the first adjunct faculty of  computer science and automation department of Indian Institute of science.

He completed his B.tech in Indian Institute of technology, Bombay and Ph.D on Cornell University.

On the year 1991, he won the Fulkerson prize in Discrete Mathematics for his work on the volume of the convex bodies. On the year 2011, he won the Knuth prize for developing influential algorithmic techniques which aimed at solving long standing computational problems.

His major contributions are 1. Polynomial-time algorithm for approximating the volume of convex bodies, 2. Algorithmic version for Szemeredi regularity partition(study of large dense graph).

Wishing this Indian Mathematician a Wonderful Birthday.


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